Tan and ES sit down inside, and ES asks Tan about his dad, the upcoming stockholders meeting, and if everything went well on the business trip. When Tan answers them weakly, ES tries to cheer him up by reassuring him that she didn’t cheat on him while he was gone. Tan smiles at this, and he asks her to hold his hand. She immediately takes it, and Tan cries out that she should be holding his hand with her heart, not with strength. I guess ES’s grip is strong, hehe. ES confirms, saying her heart is strong too. Tan tells her he missed her, which makes Eun Sang smile. Eun Sang replies, “Stay strong, Kim Tan.”
Won meets with Yang, the daughter of BS Telecom and his potential marriage partner. He needs her father’s help, and he asks if she will come to the stockholders’ meeting. Yang points out that it sounds like Won is saying he will marry her- is he okay with that? We don’t hear Won’s answer.
The meeting starts, putting Chairman Kim’s dismissal up for vote. JS, Tan, Won, as well as Yang are there. People vote, and the results are tallied. The result is in Won and Tan’s favor- Chairman Kim stays.
JS has been defeated, for now. She warns Won and Tan that this is just the beginning. Won replies he learned through this experience which people are the enemies. JS advices him to never let down his defenses. Then, Yoon runs up to announce that Chairman Kim has woken up, and he is in surgery now. JS, who has overhead this on her way out, looks unsettled.
KA, Won, Tan, Yoon wait anxiously at the hospital in front of the operation center. After hours that may feel like days, the surgeons finally come out and announced that the surgery was successful. Now they just have to wait for Chairman Kim to wake up. KA starts crying, and as Tan comforts her, Won gives her a look that is probably the softest look he has given her ever.YD has come to his mom’s café again. This time he enters. His mom immediately tears up when she sees him, but YD can’t look at her in the eye yet. She tearfully calls his name. YD cautiously says hi. She asks him the same thing she wrote on the wall of that restaurant- “Did you get along well?” YD replies, “No.” She walks closer to her son and wipes the tears that have started to fall down his face. She comments on how tall he has grown, also adding, “My son has become so handsome.” YD speaks the words he has wanted to for so long-”Mom. Mom.” She nods, “Yes,” and urgently hugs him. She cries that she was sorry; she is sorry for not waiting longer then. She was planning to go see him again soon after….but….she just apologizes for not doing so. Young Do hugs his mom tighter in response as they both cry into each other’s shoulders.

HS gives ES some his books. He thanks her, saying, “Thank you, Cha Eun Sang, for being a heartwarming cut (note: like a cut from a movie) in my brutal high school life.” Eun Sang remarks that it sounds like a goodbye. HS just tells her to study hard and the he hopes she and Tan become a boring romance movie. She asks if he is really going somewhere, but he doesn’t answer, just smiling.
Esther is holding a meeting with her designers, when R comes in. After the meeting, E asks for R’s opinion about the new line, and R says she likes it, but she wonders if a high schooler’s opinion matters. Esther assures R that she has an eye for such things.
When R comments that she doesn’t like the cold, E suggests that they go on vacation together to somewhere warm. R wonders why her mom is suddenly talking about a vacation, so E reveals that she has noticed that R has been taking her sleeping pills. R explains it is because she can’t sleep, but she doesn’t take it often. Esther says she understands and tells R to get a proper prescription then.
R has come to the hospital to get the prescription, and she runs into HS there. He has just come out of the psychiatrist’s room. R asks why he is coming to this hospital, and HS replies, “To try to live.” He asks her the same, and R tells him that it is her first time here and she has come because she can’t sleep.
HS points out that he and Rachel keep sharing secrets with each other. He also reveals to her that he is going to the military and he hasn’t told anyone else. R asks if HS has a girl that will wait for him while he is on military duty, and HS replies, “Well…”Tan rushes to the train station where HS is waiting to go off to the military. As soon as he see HS, Tan starts yelling at HS for going off like this, suddenly and without even graduating high school. Tan wonders how HS’s parents consented to this, and HS reveals that he is going without his parents knowing; his mother should have discovered the letter now. Tan calls HS crazy, tells him to be safe, and pulls him in for a gruff hug. HS hugs him back, surprised, moved, and it finally sinking it that he is really going.ES finds her mom sorting beans, and Mom reveals that she is sending the bean powder to ES’s sister. Eun Suk has texted her, saying she found a job. ES appears angry at first, asking for her number and indignant that Eun Suk didn’t anything about the money she took. But when her mom asks what ES will say to her sister, ES replies with a smile that she is going to tell her that mom and her are healthy and happy, so Eun Suk should only worry about herself. Mom asks ES if she is really happy, with a mom like her and having had such a difficult life. ES replies wholeheartedly that she is happy because she is her mother’s daughter- “I love you mom.” Mother and daughter embrace happily, but they have to break apart because ES’s phone is vibrating. ES sheepishly declares, “It’s my boyfriend.” Tan is calling ES to bring her to his father.Chairman Kim is awake, talking to JS. He has heard what JS tried to do while he was in a coma. He announces that he wants to divorce her. She agrees. JS says she will prepare to take half of Jeguk and leaves. Chairman Kim orders his lawyer to prepare for divorce.
Tan comes in with ES to the hospital room. She cautiously gives Chairman Kim some books to read. He responds, without looking at her, that there is no need for her to try to look good him, but Eun Sang replies that she still wants to try. She promises that she will pay back the debt steadily so Chairman Kim should be healthy until then. Dad replies he has to live long, then. When ES says she will come back to visit him, Dad tells her she doesn’t have to. But he adds he will read the books well.
Tan and KA are walking the streets of Gangnam together like they said they would. Tan asks if there is anywhere else she wants to go, but KA reveals her legs have lost feeling. Tan chides her for wearing such high heels, but KA declares she can’t give up on high heels because she dreamed of being Miss Korea. (The actress who plays KA was actually Miss Korea.)Yoon and CY have come on a father-son fishing trip. While waiting for the fish to bite. CY takes a picture of them together to send to BN, because BN said she can’t breathe if she doesn’t see CY every hour. Click!CY asks Yoon if he has no plans to remarry or date, but Yoon just asks again when CY will be ready to support him instead. He talks about the difficulties of an adult life and having a job, when Won’s voice is heard, asking, “Are you talking about me?” Yoon and CY look back and are surprised to see Won and Tan standing there together.CY and Tan fish, while Won and Yoon talk over coffee. When Yoon explains that he and CY came fishing because the final exams are done, Won is reminded to ask Tan about his result. Tan is all proud to report that he placed 50th, and Won is happy to hear it. See Tan’s proud face.But Yoon is surprised that Won seems happy with just 50th. See Yoon’s shocked face.Won asks how CY did, and Yoon rubs it in his face that CY always gets first place so he doesn’t even think about asking anymore. See the face Won gives Tan at this revelation.Tan, embarrassed, gets mad at CY and scurries off. Yoon says to Won, “It would be nice if the days were always like this.” He asks Won if Tan doesn’t know yet, and Won confirms. Yoon informs him that the news report will go out tomorrow.
Poor, dear Hyun Joo. She reads the news report that Won is getting to married to Yang of BS Telecom while sitting at the bus stop. She cries quietly, hot tears falling down her face and onto her hands.
Won and HJ sit across from each other at a cafe. HJ has a smile on her face as she asks Won to keep his promise now. She takes out a wishbone and reminds him that he said he will break the bone with her when she has a wish. When Won doesn’t move, HJ designates the sides herself and breaks it. Her piece is longer so her wish will come true. She closes her eyes and silently makes her wish. When she opens them, tears have filled up to the brim. Despite her shattered heart, she bravely declares, “Let’s break up. That is my wish. Even though we sat close together, we were so far from each other. It’s not something I didn’t know, so don’t be sorry.” Still, the only thing Won can say is sorry and he does. Hyun smiles even as her voice breaks as she reminds him, “I said I would wave to you.” She holds up her hand and says, “Goodbye, oppa.”Won comes home, and Tan starts asking him about the news about Won’s marriage. Won tells him that he is marrying because the company needs this. This is the weight of the crown he has to bear. He then reminds Tan of the deal that they made before about Tan going to the U.S- he doesn’t want Tan to go the U.S. Won says, “Just stay behind me on my side. This means you can’t dream about anything else. This means you have to properly take business management lessons. Just do that. I’m lonely.” Tan asks if Won won’t be lonely with him here, and Won replies, “I’m still lonely, but it is better than you not being here.”
YD is back at the motorcycle shop, this time for inspection, not for customization to make his motorcycle faster. When the technician takes notice of that, YD replies it is choosing safety over getting a kick out of speed. While looking at helmets, and notices the cut he got from cutting himself while washing the dishes before. A girl comes into the motorcycle shop with chicken delivery and this brings up the forgotten memory of his real first meeting with Eun Sang, not the one at the convenience store. He says, “Our first meeting preceded our memory.” He then remembers ES giving him a bandaid before, and he puts one on now over his cut.
At MS’s studio, YS, BN, and CY play a card game in which they have to describe a them using the cards. CY picks the theme “18 years old,” and they start playing. “At 18, one causes pain to oneself, is lonely, and sometimes have to fight a great enemy, but has a passionate heart, and has grand dreams. When BN loses and she has to grant wishes, CY asks for a kiss on the cheek. BN turns to do it, but CY moves his face, and gets a kiss on the lips. YS wishes they break up.Tan gets his notebook mailed back from his teacher from the US. The teacher has written a question for Tan on the page of his notebook where Tan had written, “One who wants to wear the crown, bears the crown.” He asked what kind of crown Tan was trying to wear- fame, wealth, or love?
Tan writes in his notebook again. “The owner of the study room has changed.” We see Won sitting in the Chairman’s study room, crying as he looks at HJ’s wishbone piece. Tan writes, “Won has reached the place he wanted, he has became firmer, and at night he cries. Isn’t his place of exile this house he has lived his whole life?”Tan continues, “And I have become a senior in high school.” We see Tan walking to school. MS takes a picture of him, saying he is commemorating the face of someone who has crossed the threshold of the world. Tan sees Rachel who doesn’t say anything to him as she walks away. He also sees lovey-dovey CY and BN, and they tease him about his low ranking again. Tan then sees YD. They just walk past each other, but both have small smiles on their faces.
Tan narrates, “But nothing has changed. We still don’t know how to skillfully grow apart or make up smoothly.”
ES narrates, “But we know how we each hurt, cried, fell apart, and fought fiercely within the time of being 18 years-old.”
ES and Tan meet up at the bench in school. ES asks what Tan wished for on his birthday. Tan reveals that he wished everyone he knows becomes happy. He starts describing to her what he imagines for them 10 years from now. He going to hold a party in his house…
We are brought into Tan’s imagination of the party ten years from now. Everyone is there: BN, CY, YS, HS, R, and YD. It seems HS has become a director. He invites R to the premiere, and R shyly says she will think about it. YD is talking to MS on phone, because his serving his mandatory military service. YD is working at Zeus successfully, and Won compliments him. Chairman Kim is still alive, and Yoon is still there by his side. JS is also at the party, looking happy and friendly with KA. ES’s mom is there too, and KA is surprised to find out that ES’s mom is younger than her!Tan walks to his room, and we hear, “And even ten years from now, like the way I passionately ran to you when I was 18, I hope that I am standing on the road and you are at the end of the it- that is the wish I made when I blew out my birthday candles.” Tan finds ES in his room- they kiss.Back to the present. ES points out to Tan that his picture is full of people who can only laugh together in his imagination. Tan replies, “That is why it is a wish.” Still, ES wishes it can come true, and Tan says, “Maybe. One day.”
Tan and ES walk hand in hand together as the snow falls around them. Tan narrates, “At 18, we fell for each other, liked each other, cried, ran away, knelt down, and turned our backs to each other many times.” We see scenes of Tan and ES turning their backs to each other in the past, hurting each other, and running away from one another.
ES narrates, “Still, at 18, we ran toward each other, held hands, and tightly embraced one another.” We see scenes of Tan and ES hugging.
Back to ES and Tan walking in the street. Tan asks when ES is going to buy him the meal she promised, wondering if the reason she isn’t is because she wants to cook him a meal every morning. He asks, “By chance, did I just receive a proposal from you?” ES sticks out her tongue, saying no, and the two continue to joke around with each other.
ES narrates, “We might fall or end up kneeling again. But still…” Tan finishes, “We go forward.”